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For further information regarding the BOXER featured click on photo and
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Aus Ch Tonup Liberty Bell

Sire:  Rainey Lanes Grand Slam Imp U.S.A.
Dam: Tonup Name the Day

Date whelped:  11.3.1976

Owner/Breeder:  E.Davies/L.Corbett and R.Knox

B.I.S. Qld Boxer Club 1981
Judge: Marion Ward-Davies U.K.

B.I.S. West. Dist. Boxer Club Sept. 1978
Judge:  Jimmy Ryrie (Vic.)

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Ch Whitechapel Red N Rusty

Sire:   Ch Cherryburton Playboy (Imp UK)
Dam:  Ch Rhapsody Daisy Mae

Owner/breeder: Mrs J & K Lovell
Date Whelped: 5 June 1976

Dam of Ch Whitechapel Free N Easy (Pictured Above)

Substantial Wins

BIS, BJIS - WDBC 4.8.1977
RUBIS, BABIS (Best Aust Bred In Show) - WDBC 14.5.1978
Sydney Royal Easter Show - April 1979
CC Bitch, Best Bitch, Best Exhibit in Utility Group

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Ch Phoenix Jason Argonaut

Sire:  Phoenix Buck Rogers
Dam:  Phoenix Clever Coleen

Owner/breeder: Terry & Maxine Carter
Date Whelped:  27.8.76

Multiple Best in Show winner
Many many Best in Groups
Including 3 BIG's at the Adelaide Royal

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Aus Ch Tonup Venetian Rose

Sire:  Raineylanes Grand Slam (Imp USA)
Dam: Tonup Venetian Lace

Date whelped:  1976

Owned by Sue Res
Now Suromar Boxers with Robyn Knox

Breeder:  Davis/Corbett/Knox

First boxer bitch to win a BIS in WA
Multi BIG, RUIG, and In show awards
BJIS Victorian Boxer Club
BJIS Boxer Club of NSW

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Ch Rheinland Rolled Gold

Sire:  Raineylanes Grand Slam (Imp USA)
Dam: CH Rheinland Rising Mist

Date whelped:  26.1.1977

Owner/Breeder:  Sue Res/P&R Smith

BIS, Multi BIG,Class in Show winner

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Golden Great Pages

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