Agility/Obedience - All States
Golden Greats 1965-1985
Australian National BIS Winners
Notable Boxers
For further information regarding the BOXER featured click on photo and It will take your direct to the Owner/Breeders Kennel
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Aus Grand Ch Residin High Flyer
Sire: Jenroy Pop Back to Walkon (Imp UK) Dam: Hexenhaus Samanta
Date whelped: 7.10.1995 - 19.2.2002
Owner: Sue & Brian McKie - Perth - Bokson Boxers
Breeder: Sue Res - Residin - WA
Jake was the FIRST Boxer in WA To attain the status of GRAND CHAMPION
True Ambassador for the boxer breed A real showman with a kind and gentle spirit
Multiple In Group and In Show Awards including:
BIS WA Kennel Club Talk to the Animals Show BIG Perth Royal Show 1998 Runner Up Exhibit in Group Perth Royal Show 1999
Top Boxer Boxer Club WA's point score for: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.
Ch Boxlet I'm Set To Shock
Sire: CH Residin Fly By Night
Dam: Rorlyn Ima Tart Too
Owner/Breeder M & J Allen
Date Whelped: 5.9.98
All Breeds BIS Winner
Speciality BIS under Mrs A. Zammit UK
RUBIS Speciality under Mrs J Townshend UK
Aus Ch Bokson Kaus A Rumour
Sire: Aus Grand Ch Residin High Flyer Dam: Bokson Rags to Riches
Date whelped: 16.12.1998
Owner/breeder: Sue & Brian McKie - Perth - Bokson Boxers
Ch Dog/BOB and Runner Up Exhibit In Group Judge: Andrew Brace (UK) 2000 Critique: A high stationed dog with lovely head type Gorgeous crested neck and superb topline
Ch Dog/BOB RUBIS - Judge: A Johnson (WA)
Res Ch Dog Boxer Club of Western Australia Specialty Show September 2001 - Judge Jenny Townshend (UK)
Multiple Class in Group and In show Awards
Ch Talyesin Chew Bacca
Sire: Gr Ch Phoenix Harrison Ford
Dam: Thasrite Super Nova
Breeder: P & L Ashton & B Haymes Owner: Michelle Roberts - Taswest Boxers
Date Whelped: 21 May 2000
BOB - Perth Royal Show 2002 Runner-Up Top boxer of the Year 2002/03 Multiple BIG's Won Top Awards under Local, interstate and well respected International Judges
Aus Grand Ch Taswest Reggie in Red
Sire: Ch Boxlet Paddy In Peejays Dam: Taswest Red Alert
Date whelped: 3 July 2001
Owner/breeder: Michelle Roberts - Taswest Boxers
Multiple BIG (first group at 8 mths old) Twice RUBIS - All Breeds Twice qualified for prestigious Contest Of Winners (2004-2005) Reached semi-final of contest in 2004 Finished #2 Boxer in Australia 2004 (Dogz Online pointscore) Multi Best In Show Winner - All Breeds
WA Boxer Pages